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Introduction to the Knowledge Engine

The Knowledge Engine helps to intelligently exchange data in an interoperable way between various systems, such as devices, APIs, databases, and services. This is achieved by participants announcing the type of data that they can provide and are interested in. The Knowledge Engine then intelligently combines this information from all participants in the network to ensure seamless data exchange across multiple information systems from different vendors and organizations, without using a centralized database.

Why choose the Knowledge Engine?

There are many techniques out there to exchange data, what makes the Knowledge Engine unique, is the combination of the following points:

  • Interactive Question-Answering: Not only can you ask questions and receive answers as in typical databases, you can also react to new data that becomes available
  • Data at the Source: Data is stored at the source, not in a single central server that is susceptible to failure
  • Control Your Data: You decide which data you want to share, with whom, and which data to keep secret
  • Distributed: Share data both within and outside of your organisation
  • Reasoning: Infer new facts & intelligently link agents to answer even more complex questions
  • Dynamic: The network automatically adapts and discovers new knowledge bases to take into account

Underlying principles & techniques

The Knowledge Engine is based on research in semantic technologies, ontologies and distributed computing.